
We encourage a safe environment for children and adults at risk who either visit or worship with us. Click here to read the Church of England's policy statement "Promoting a Safer Church". To view our current Safeguarding Policy, click here.

Our Policy Statement

The parishes of the Faxton Benefice (Faxton Group of Churches) commit to:

  • create a safe and caring place for all;
  • have a named Benefice Safeguarding Officer to work with the Incumbent and the PCCs to implement policies and procedures;
  • safely recruit, train and support all those with any responsibility for children, young people and adults to have the confidence and skills to recognise and respond to potential abuse;
  • display on church premises and the Benefice website the details of who to contact if there are safeguarding concerns or support needs;
  • listen to and take seriously all those who disclose abuse;
  • take steps to protect children and adults when a safeguarding concern of any kind arises, following the House of Bishops' guidance, including notifying the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (DSO) and, where appropriate, the relevant statutory agencies immediately;
  • offer support to victims/survivors of abuse regardless of the type of abuse and when or where it occurred;
  • care for and monitor any member of the church community who may pose a risk to children and adults whilst maintaining appropriate confidentiality and the safety of all parties;
  • review the implementation of the parishes' safeguarding policies, procedures and policies on an annual basis.
Who to contact:

If you have  concern about a child, young person or vulnerable adult, please contact our Benefice Safeguarding Officer, Anne Hanson, on 07817 919337, or the Diocesan Safeguarding Officer (01733) 887040 or click here to email the Diocesan Safeguarding Team.